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Shortlisted films announced for Nespresso Talents 2021

Briefs 17 June, 2021

From nearly 1000 short films submitted this year, we’re thrilled to announce the shortlisted films for  Nespresso Talents 2021.

A celebration of creative filmmaking, Nespresso Talents is an annual vertical short film competition, inviting creators around the world to submit 2-3 minute films for the opportunity to be flown to Cannes Film Festival and receive awards from a pool of €50,000.

We were blown away by the number of submissions and for the incredible creativity and stories shared from around the globe – with filmmakers from 60 different countries taking part. Thank you to each and every creator who crafted a film this year!

The films that made the shortlist in 2021 stood out to the jury for their inspiring storytelling, creative use of the vertical format and the way they explored year’s theme, ‘Doing is Everything’.

Congratulations to all those shortlisted! Check out the full International list below, and head to the Nespresso Talents page for each of the regional shortlists.

International Shortlist

Arjanmar H. RebetaNapamata Ako sa Sadit na Kinaban
big_fella_studioNow I can sea
David FílaCycle
Jesús BarrancoMente Colmena
Klim TukaevPostman
Luis Cuenca CastroMay 01 2021
Nicolina_SSpeaking in flowers
Olivier CanditoEL DORADO
Reyes Caballero ReySimbiosis
Szymon RadzioA few blocks away
Weronika SikorskaMy Letter To You
xmadapplemaxYour spark

We look forward to announcing the Nespresso Talents 2021 winner after the International award ceremony on July 9th.