Matt Simons premieres personal new music video for 'Better Tomorrow'
Genero news • 3min read
Music • 13 November, 2015
“Congrats to Brendan Huza who we selected as the Genero video winner. While it was torture to just pick one, this one made us nostalgic and teary.”
It’s time to announce the winning video for our Alanis Morissette brief! A huge congrats is in order for filmmaker Brendan Huza. Paying homage to the original music videos from ‘Jagged Little Pill’, Brendan’s clever animation clearly struck a chord with Alanis.
Keen to find out just where the idea came from, we asked the animator to tell us about his experience putting together the video as a filmmaker and a fan.
‘Jagged Little Pill’ was the first album I ever owned. I was 10, and I had it on cassette tape – and when my friends tape player ‘ate’ the tape beyond repair, my parents bought me another copy because they knew how much I listened to it. I never dreamed that 20 years later I would get to be a part of the 20th Anniversary Edition of that album – by making a video for the previously unreleased song ‘Superstar Wonderful Weirdos’. I love the message of the song: if people think you’re weird, be proud to be weird – be true to yourself and accept yourself for who you are. I made this video as a fan, and am excited and beyond honoured to have been selected by Alanis for this!
I knew it would be fun to try to envision what the characters Alanis describes in the song looked like, and as I was brainstorming I started thinking about her videos from the album. ‘Ironic’, ‘You Oughta Know’, ‘Head over Feet’,’You Learn’ and ‘Hand in my Pocket’. I remember seeing all of those videos on MTV and VH1 at the time, and each one stood out visually when I was listening to this new song. I suddenly had the idea that since this was an anniversary album, it would be great to feature visual links to those videos. I could put the character’s Alanis is singing about into her videos from ‘Jagged Little Pill’.
I knew that I would have fun with the idea but I wanted to make sure that this video told it’s own, unique story and only used the references as a backdrop, to hopefully inspire fans to go back and revisit the videos and songs from the album. After I decided to go that direction, I really enjoyed the process of trying to link each video together and still tell the story of the different ‘weirdos’ in the song.
I am beyond honored and thankful that Alanis selected me for this, and want to thank her and Genero for the opportunity. This is a song that is as relevant today as it would’ve been then, and I’m happy to be a part of it. There were some incredible videos submitted for this contest and I encourage everyone to check them out also, and to revisit this incredible album.
A huge congratulations to Brendan, and thanks to everyone who took part!
See the full brief results here.
Genero news • 3min read
Briefs • 3min read