Our solution
Dove Pedro Suarez asian TVC

UK ad finds new success with Asian adaptations.

Client: DoveCreator: Pedro Suarez

The brief

Dove needed to recreate an existing 30 second TV commercial with real women from China, Japan and South-East Asia to produce a suite of localised TVCs and talent-focused Key Visuals.

The work

Through Genero, Dove were able to commission a professional creator that understood the concept well and had prior experience directing ‘real’ people.

To recreate the video, he captured authentic, high quality testimonial content from women across the requested markets, taking into consideration local nuances throughout the casting and production processes.

The final content maintains the integrity and quality of the original TVC, while resonating with Dove’s audience in market.

View the original TVC, and the localised China, South-East Asia and Japan versions below.

Original TVC - UK

Localised TVC - China

Localised TVC - South-East Asia

Localised TVC - Japan

Pedro Suarez's avatar

Pedro Suarez

flag for United Kingdom

Pedro is a freelance director based in London. His commercial work has been featured in numerous publications, including Ad Age, TIME, The Huffington Post, Creativity, In Style, AdWeek, and The Guardian. Pedro has made a career directing TV commercials and digital content around the world, working with agencies including McCann Erickson, Ogilvy, and Publicis for brands such as Dove, Nestlé, Samsung, EE, Royal Mail, Pond's and HarperCollins among others.

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