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Lady A reveals ‘Heart Break’ music videos by Genero creators

Music 22 June, 2018

US country group Lady A (formerly Lady Antebellum) have tapped into Genero’s creative community to commission six new music videos for their summer hit ‘Heart Break’, from the band’s sixth studio album.

“With every submission, you could just feel the passion and time that went into each video which made it extremely hard to narrow it down. This was one of my favourite songs off the record that we collectively wrote and to see the effort it took to bring its lyrics to life makes us even more grateful to our fans."

Hillary Scott, co-lead singer of Lady Antebellum

After receiving dozens of high quality submissions, the band reviewed all the videos in order to select their official lyric video by GedMedia! Watch the full video above.

“I’m from the south. So everybody knows Lady Antebellum. I played the song and I immediately imagined what it would look like for a girl to be able to walk out of their social media platforms. To not only resist the the tug of having to market their life online to their friends and people, but to decide to look around and see the world around them” said director Andrew Patterson.

Additionally the 1st runner-up video produced by Brendan Huza (below)  shares distinct abstract visuals integrated by timeless and descriptive imagery into a standout message on the freedom of female empowerment.

1st runner-up video by Brendan Huza

“When listening to the song, my first takeaway was that I loved that the theme is about empowerment – of taking a stand and putting an end to something when it’s done. I drew a lot of inspiration from Victorian paintings – where the female subjects in these paintings were usually depicted as objects of affection – I thought it would be interesting to play with convention a bit and show the women featured as empowered, showing their feelings of disinterest, taking a stand, being confidently on their own, or just making time for themselves. I love telling stories and animation has been an amazing avenue to do that, and Genero has been fundamental in being able to explore that”

Brendan Huza

Four other videos were selected as Runners Up, and premiered on the band’s YouTube channel. Check out each video and the inspiration behind them below, and a huge congratulations to each of our filmmakers and animators.

“My video is a unique take on the lyric video format, personalized to fit the meaning behind the words and the atmosphere of the song.”

Mac Freeman

“This video is like the music, an invitation to travel and enjoy the simple things that life has to offer for those who knows how to appreciate the present.”

Cedric Boulanger

“As a traveling couple who both quit the 9-5 grind of regular working hours and decided to spend more time traveling than working, the inspiration for the video came whilst sitting on a plane. Two business men were in front of us, and when the plane landed one of them turned on their phone. It immediately went crazy with the repeating sound of message tones, and the other man turned and said, “sounds like my alarm.” In life we sometimes get so preoccupied with living our work life we forget about living our real life. The execution of the video looks at taking a break from ones reality and being where one desires to be. Sometimes we all need a little heart break, a chance to just press pause and take a rest or to completely reset.”

Blacksalt Media

“I was really drawn to the brief because of my love of country music and motion graphics work. As soon as I heard the song I had a really summery, vacation feel and thought of bright colours, tranquil beaches and leaving your cares (or heart breaks) behind. I taught myself a lot of new techniques and effects to create the video and really tried to stretch myself creatively to achieve the look that was in my head.”


A big thank you to everyone who worked on this brief! Want to become a creator for Genero? Find out more here and check out our latest opportunities here.