Animated Giphy stickers focusing on diversity and equality.
The brief
Meta partnered with Genero to produce a special collection of animated stickers for its Giphy platform, for small business owners in Latin America who have been using Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp as important sales channels during the pandemic.
Meta also wanted the stickers to honor underrepresented groups: Black, PoC, LGBTQI, disabled people, women and moms who are entrepreneurs.
The approach
Through the Genero platform, Meta commissioned four talented motion designers and animators who come from these groups, to ensure the messages would be created from an understanding and empathetic perspective.
The designs were inspired by iconic elements of Latin American culture: hand-made signs that can be seen across the entire region’s popular small stores.
Some of the key messages behind the designs included:
- Women in charge
- Support LGBTQI entrepreneurship
- Wear what makes you feel good
- Have you supported a local business today?
- Businesses with identity
The results
- 800k+
- views for 'Muito amor envolvido'
- 1m+
- views for 'Estamos Juntes'
The work
Just a month after launching the project with Meta, the commissioned creators delivered 30 animated stickers, each with a Spanish and Portugese version (a total of 60 stickers). Here are some of Genero’s favourites:
We're together
Family tradition
Made by women
Entrepreneurship is ageless
Made with pride
Wear what makes you feel good
Support businesses from disabled people
Lots of love involved