Introducing the world’s #1 watch club with two different creative approaches.

Client: Watch GangCreators: Mark Gustov, Hiss TV

The brief

Watch Gang, a leading watch club and subscription service, needed two engaging brand videos to introduce new users to their unique offering across social media and streaming TV.

Creative freedom was provided, with the brand allowing Genero creators to conceptualise the video in any direction they pleased. From animation to vlog style videos, Watch Gang were also happy for creators to utilize both new and existing footage.

The approach

With the creative freedom provided, this brief received a fantastic response from our network of creatives around the world. Watch Gang commissioned two creators, one in Canada and one in the USA. Each had a different approach to achieve the objectives, providing a fresh take on Watch Gang.

The results

"Working with Genero and USA Client Director Kenny Parmelee was a great experience as I was able to connect with creators that would have otherwise been off of my radar and/or unapproachable for various reasons. Genero was amazing in the facilitation of talent, along with excellent communication, advice and organization. If you're looking to expand your rolodex with creators worldwide, Genero is the place to start."

Anthony Fanelli, Creative Producer, Watch Gang

The work

Watch Gang - Mark Gustov

Watch Gang - Hiss TV

Mark Gustov's avatar

Mark Gustov

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Mark believes the world needs more problem solvers, not just creatives. As a Director, DP, and Creative Brand Strategist, Mark produces brand content that draws attention, resulting in increased brand awareness and quality first impressions.

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Hiss TV's avatar

Hiss TV

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Hiss is a New York-based creative studio specializing in films, branded content, commercials, and music videos. Between three people, Hiss consists of two directors, a DP, an editor, a colorist and a VFX artist. They have worked on projects for HBO, Hulu, Netflix, and other corporate logos.

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