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Meet the Nespresso Talents jury and find out how to bring this year’s theme to life.

Genero tips • Written by Ellie Cameron-Krepp, Community Manager

Now in its sixth year, Nespresso Talents invites filmmakers around the world to create unique, captivating short films in a vertical 9:16 format. Meet this year’s International jury and find out why Nespresso chose ‘Doing is Everything’ as the 2021 theme.

Nespresso Talents is an exciting opportunity to submit a short film for the opportunity to be flown to the Cannes Film Festival, get mentored by industry professionals and receive awards from a pool of €50,000. If you’re planning to submit a video this year or thinking about taking part – we’ve put together some details on the 2021 theme and jury.


Nespresso Talents 2021

The 2021 theme: ‘Doing is Everything’

With the heartbreak and challenges of life during a pandemic, there has never been a time where being a force for good has been so needed in the world. Nespresso is inviting you to explore this idea through the 2021 theme ‘Doing is Everything’. 

The impact of film can be extraordinary – and even the smallest actions can lead to huge positive changes for individuals or communities around the globe. Through the ‘Doing is Everything’ theme, Nespresso are looking for submissions that come from the heart – and can inspire people to follow this movement and commit to creating a positive impact in the world.

Your film can span any genre at all – animation, documentary, drama or comedy – as long as you incorporate the theme in some way.

“Our sustainability journey is grounded in acting on the causes and consequences of climate change and the desire to create a greater positive impact in the lives of coffee farmers and on nature. For us, doing is everything.

From when we started 30 years ago, Nespresso has always believed that coffee can be a force for good because it can shape communities and preserve landscapes for the better. We want to build a circular business, preserve exceptional coffees, build a resilient and regenerative coffee agriculture and ensure sustainable livelihoods for farmers.​” – Nespresso

Meet this year’s jury

The five all-star and incredibly talented members of this year’s jury will be judging submissions for the International awards. The jury includes Film and television actor Mark Chao, world explorer/adventurer Mike Horn, filmmaker (and Nespresso Talents 2020 winner) Faride Shroeder, acclaimed French actress Zita Hanrot and Rwandan-French director, actress and beauty queen Sonia Rolland.

You can find out more about each of the jury members here.

Vertical filmmaking is more personal, intimate and engaging than traditional cinematography.

Mark Chao, Nespresso Talents Jury

What are the jury looking for?

As your create your film, keep in mind that the jury will be looking for submissions that stand out across four key areas:

  • Unique use of the vertical format: Be playful and explore the possibilities of a vertical! Your film must be in a 9:16 vertical aspect ratio – and make sure you consider and integrate the format through your idea, script, framing, art direction and post-production.

  • Innovation: The jury will be looking for submissions that are surprising and creative. Think about how you can build on an innovative and unique approach in your film.

  • Exploration of the theme: Your film must incorporate the 2021 theme, ‘Doing is Everything’. The jury is looking for you to share your vision of what the theme means – but it should be well integrated within your story.

  • Production values: Nespresso Talents is open to any genre or style, and your film can be shot on any type of camera/device – but production values are still important. Your submission will be judged on the quality of your concept (idea, script, narrative), the production (camera, lighting, art direction, costume) and post-production (editing, animation, music, sound design).

How do I join Nespresso Talents 2021?

  • Join Genero and register for the Nespresso Talents project here.
  • View all the details on the full brief here. (Make sure you click ‘Register interest’ to get tips, reminders and updates!)
  • Start creating your film! Make sure it’s in a vertical 9:16 format, between 2-3 minutes long and incorporates the ‘Doing is everything’ theme.
  • Submit your film (along with release forms) by May 16th, 2021.

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